What most people don’t realize is that you can strengthen your intuitive muscle with a little practice. It can grow, and become a louder, more active part of your life. I like to describe intuition as being the voice of your higher self. This part of you lives beyond your own physical limitations. It can see everything, just like god or the universe can.
Your higher self can see into the future, the past, and it can see all of the options that are in front of you right now. It is also familiar with your own personal likes and dislikes. It knows what you most deeply want, what you’re naturally talented at, and what you are struggling with. Because of this, your higher self can point you in the direction that will be most helpful for you. It also means that what your intuition tells you may not make logical sense all of the time.
For example, say you’ve been wanting to live abroad all of your life. Your dream is to live as a nomad, traveling all across Europe, Australia, and North America. You’ve been making vision boards and having fantasies about sleeping on foreign beaches and making exotic friends. All of a sudden, when you are 20 years old and have some money saved for your adventure, your intuition tells you to spend the money on a car. This totally freaks you out! You don’t need a car if you’re going to be traveling around the world, and if you spend all your savings, you won’t be able to go at all. It doesn’t make sense.
The day after you get this intuitive inkling a friend comes to you and says that he is selling his car. He wants something different, he says. Now things are starting to get interesting. Yesterday your intuitive senses were signaling that you should buy a car, and now you have the perfect opportunity to follow through. You are bold and decide to go for it. You give your friend all the money you saved for your trip and, even though you feel a little nervous, an exhilaration also runs through your body.
About a week later, after you’ve registered and insured your new beauty, something strange happens. You’re loading food into the back seat of your car in the parking lot of the grocery store and a man walks over to you and starts a conversation. He tells you a story about how he used to own a car like that and that it was his wife’s favorite. You come to find out that she almost died of a serious illness a few months ago and was recovering slowly. He really wanted to cheer her up and asks you if you would be willing to sell the car for twice what you paid your friend.
If you say yes, you will be making double the money that you saved, you will be making this man so proud and happy to be able to give comfort to his wife, and you will also boost the health and morale of the woman who came close to death nearly three months ago. I think the answer is pretty clear.
This is how intuition works. Your higher self sees 10 steps ahead, and if you follow it’s voice, you can live harmoniously with the universe. Your plans for happiness are taken care of by your higher aspects. You are a gem and your intuition is the light that illuminates its many glittering facets. Follow those nudges and they become stronger. You’ll build trust with yourself and life will start becoming effortless. You never know what truly amazing thing is waiting on the other side of an intuitive hunch until to follow it.