Today I came across something interesting on Kristy’s blog Now, be the change: a 30 day blog challenge! My first thought was “I couldn’t possible do it! Write a blog post a day?! It’s too much.” But then I thought “What if I did it? That would be cool!” and here I am.
It’s an awesome initiative by Natalie on Suitcase Entrepreneur AND you can win prizes! So, straight to Day 1:
TODAY’s challenge: Write a post on why you started your blog, who you wanted to reach, what you wanted it to be all about. Then state why you joined this blog challenge and what you want to get out of it.
Why I started my blog
The very first start was when I left home to be an Au Pair in the USA. I love writing and sharing what I learn and I was sure I would have a lot to tell and that could help or amuse people. So I created a personal blog and wrote in Portuguese and sometimes in English. Years and many tales later, I decided to have my own domain and a nicer web home, so I created this one, along with “Live the dream and love the journey”.
Who is it for?
I write for those who, like me, love travelling and enjoying this big beautiful world as well as facing the challenges and growing with them. I share what I learn on this journey of living abroad because I know that somewhere, someone needs to hear just that: the information, the inspiration, the tips and advice.
What it’s all about
This blog is all about I believe: listening to your intuition, making your dreams come true, creating and re-creating your life no matter where or how. Getting out of your comfort zone, finding your purpose and being happy and grateful.
I believe that sharing my story and my truth might help other people, be it by useful information, some positivity or just by resonating with my experience and being comforted and validated.
Why I joined and what I want to get out of it
I love a challenge! And I’m sure that being “forced” to think and write everyday will be fun and enriching.
This was easier than I thought!
See you tomorrow,